Unlock the Power of Tephra: Lavarage’s Exclusive Reward Point System

4 min readMay 7, 2024


In the bustling universe of DeFi, Lavarage stands out with its pioneering decentralized spot margin trading platform and gained great support from our Lavanauts. To further incentivize participation and loyalty, we are thrilled to introduce Tephra, the exclusive reward point system of Lavarage.

What is Tephra?

Tephra serves as the cornerstone of Lavarage’s reward point system. It is designed to incentivize users not only to trade and (soon) provide liquidity on our platform, but also to engage with our community and help spread the word about Lavarage. Whether you are trading high stakes or contributing socially, Tephra is here to make your journey more rewarding.

How to Earn Tephra

Lavanauts can earn Tephra through two ways:

1. Leverage Trading on Lavarage

Tephra is awarded for trading activities as follows:

  • Opening a Position:

Initial margin and borrow amount: Earn Tephra on the amount of initial margin paid and the amount borrowed.

  • Closing a Position:

Interest paid: Earn Tephra for the amount of interest paid when a position is closed, either by selling or repaying.

Profit made: Earn Tephra for the amount of profit gained from a position that is successfully closed via selling.

Detailed breakdown:

Note: The exact formula is: Tephra earned = floor(amount * rate).

Tephra points calculations, including both the formula and parameters, are reviewed on a weekly basis to align with the evolving needs of our platform. While these have remained unchanged since our inception, they are designed to dynamically incentivize activities that most benefit the platform at any given time. This adaptability ensures that the prioritization of activities can shift to support ongoing growth and engagement.

To promote early engagement and reward our initial users, the emission rate of Tephra points is structured to gradually decrease over time, sustaining a fair and balanced distribution as the community expands. Any adjustments to how Tephra points are calculated will be promptly communicated to the community.

Trading Example:

Imagine you opened a position with initial margin of 1 $SOL using 2x leverage, i.e. you borrowed an additional 1 $SOL (borrow amount). After 10 days, you closed the position with 0.02 $SOL of interest paid and a profit of 1.5 $SOL (wow, 150% ROI!).

Base on our current rate, your total Tephra earned for this trade will be as follows:

Start to earn Tephra on our platform: https://app.lavarage.xyz

2. Completing Tasks on Zealy

Engage with us on Zealy through various social activities such as:

  • Engagement Tasks: Like, comment, and share our content.
  • Active Participation: Be an active member of our Discord server.
  • Gaining Knowledge: Answer quizzes about Lavarage.

Please note that 1 XP on Zealy is equal to 1 Tephra.

Start to earn Tephra on Zealy: https://zealy.io/cw/lavarage/questboard/

Tephra Leaderboard

To spice things up, we also provide a leaderboard below for the top 30 Lavanauts in trading, where Lavanauts can see how they stack up against others in the community. The Leaderboard will be updated regularly.

Last update: 4 June, 2024 00:00 UTC

Wondering how many Tephra points you’ve racked up? Open a support ticket on Discord to find out your Tephra point balance: https://discord.gg/lavarage

For Tephra points earned through social tasks on Zealy, please check the Zealy leaderboard here: https://zealy.io/cw/lavarage/leaderboard


Tephra is more than just a point system — as you are going on the volcanic expedition with Lavarage, Tephra accumulates, opening up a world of possibilities and rewards. So, whether you’re leveraging your trades or engaging with the community, every action on Lavarage brings you closer to earning valuable Tephra.

Start earning today and let’s lava to the moon!

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Website: https://lavarage.xyz/
X: https://twitter.com/lavaragexyz
Discord: https://discord.gg/lavarage
Medium: https://lavaragexyz.medium.com/

The links provided above are the official channels for Lavarage. Please verify before clicking on any external links.

Currently, there is no scheduled Token Generation Event (TGE) for Lavarage, and we will not ask for funds via direct messages. Remain vigilant against scammers impersonating the Lavarage team.




Your multi-chain non-custodial leveraged trading hub.